Saturday, May 4, 2013

Post Trip Thoughts

When I was in Milan Cathedral.
I was amazed by the grandness and beauty of the Cathedral for a while.
After sometime, i was bored with it.

The problem with external beauty things like a grand monument or painting is that we get bored with it, and start to seek something else or something new. That is the inherent problem with our mind.

I was also reflecting if I would be happy staying in those grand place like Vatican City.
While these places are beautiful, it won't make me happier.
It is always the human relationship that makes the difference.
I rather stay in a simple place surrounded by friends and family, than staying in a beautiful place alone.


When I was in Venice, I was amazed that even the weapons displayed in the Doge Palace were beautifully decorated. It just showed me that Venetians were really rich and powerful previously. With technology advancement like guns, the Western world has dominated the world for centuries. They used to have the technological lead, but is it sustainable?

In the current global competition environment, the gap is getting smaller. The country has the greatest creative and innovative people would be able to sustain the lead. The country that is open to change would continue to move forward.

As long as American is open to immigration and attract the smartest around the world, it should be able to sustain its lead as the superpower of the world.

Asians have been playing the catching-up game - being open to change, being more efficient, being more hardworking. However, Asians need to be more creative to reach the next level (otherwise, it will always be a few steps behind), but this is a structural issue.

Italy in recent years was lagging behind in terms of technological advancement. Its greatest export is its rich culture and design (ie. your Italian designer goods)


It is scary to live in past glory.
Greece and Egypt are both cradle of great civilizations.
However, both countries are in great stress now.

They gave me the impression that they lived in past glory.
Tourism has been a good source of income for both countries.

Countries (like people) who does not adapt or change would be obsolete soon.
Change is inevitable.
Life is impermanent.


There was part of the trip when I was upset with the discrimination.
For instance, I was told to produce my ID card (in a rude manner) for my credit card when I was purchasing in Zara.That was the first time in my life.

Other customers did not need to produce ID card.
Racial discrimination is inevitable, but as a paying customer, I felt that it is very unnecessary.


In Venice (Italy), a gondola rower charged US$100 for 40min ride excluding tip. (additional $ if you want them to sing).

In Inle Lake (Myanmar), this fisherman needs to row his boat with one leg, balance himself with the other leg, and cast his net with his both hands under the hot sun to earn US$4-5/day.

What a fair world!!!


I learnt that Michelangelo studied about human anatomy to create a human statue.
That is dedication and in depth expertise. Impressive.
That is differentiation.

Michelangelo took 69days to paint the first piece in ceiling painting in Sistine Chapel. He took 4 years to complete all the paintings. Most importantly, he only took 1 day for the last piece of painting.

A reminder that even a genius needs to go through hard work before they could create masterpiece. And practice makes perfect. In general, it requires 10,000 hours (3-4 years) of practice before you become an expert.

And in life, you just need to do a few GREAT things.


While the Vatican City is impressive,
I left the guided tour with the impression that the Popes were too engrossed in beautifying the Vatican city, and politicking too much.


Many things are impermanent.
Past Glory.
Grand Monuments.
Beautiful things.

All impermanent.
Do not need to be too attached to them.



  1. Seems like a great trip you had Boon! I wish you could see more of Europe, but I know that your travels aren't finished yet ;)

    Look forward to reading about your adventures in the future!

  2. Thanks Viggo! Definitely, there are so much things to see in Europe, I am planning to visit again next year. =)
